Champions Pledge
- We are part of Oxfordshire: changing the world for the better, every day.
- We work to understand what the place is about, what it stands for and what is important.
- We recognise that Oxfordshire has its challenges, and we resolve to help deal with these, whether deprivation or environmental vulnerability.
- We will use the incredible opportunities this county has to inspire and raise the aspirations of young people.
- We are changing our thinking, doing things differently, and working with others to radiate influence, build confidence, cultivate and encourage strong leadership, develop new relationships, and bring our place together.
- Oxfordshire is part of us. We are changing the world for the better, every day.
To become a Champion:
Publish this pledge publicly – whether on your website, on social media, or offline.
Nominate three members of your organisation to maintain connections with the network:
- A leadership member
- A communications member
- A future generations member
Provide a brief description of your organisation to be added to the website: Who you are, what you do and what you stand for.
To stay a Champion:
- Ensure your organisation is represented at four champions meetings a year
- Maintain three nominees for the network, where people move on
- Uphold the pledge in your own work
- Champion Oxfordshire wherever possible
- Tell Oxfordshire’s story.